Patricia Montagner, MD

Dr. Patricia Montagner  is a Specialist in neurosurgery at the Federal Hospital of Bonsucesso in Rio de Janeiro and titled by the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery. She is also a specialist in Health Administration at Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, and Medical Director at NeuroVinci Clinic, an interdisciplinary Clinic focused on specialized neurological care in the Florianópolis area of Brazil. She earned her Degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Dr. Montagner is presently focused on chronic pain treatment, and is enthusiastic of medical cannabis use for chronic pain patients, oncology patients and patients with any neurological disorder.

“We are currently taking care of hundreds of patients on regular medical cannabis use in our Clinic. We have seen surprisingly satisfactory results, especially those cases in which we had already exhausted our usual therapeutic arsenal. It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to share this experience and more than that, to support this brave and very necessary initiative.”